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July 15, 2021

How an LMS Makes Mandated Reporter Training Simple and Easy

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Mandated Reporter Training

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A Learning Management System (LMS) provides a simple and effective way of deploying training for mandated reporters. The LMS included in the Mandated Reporter Training platform has been designed specifically to ensure that individuals, organizations, and States are compliant with regulations pertaining to child abuse identification and reporting.

Here are the ways the Mandated Reporter Training platform is making training easier and more effective than ever.

Audience-Based Training

People who come into close or consistent contact with children as part of their occupations, such as educators, medical professionals, law enforcement professionals, and mental health and social workers, submit the largest percentage of reports of suspected abuse. These mandated reporters may have different training courses based on their professions.

Audience-based training allows for specific training courses to be presented based on a learner’s profession, ensuring they get the most up-to-date information needed to identify and report suspected cases in the context of their profession.

Role-Based Functionality

An LMS can create a dynamic user experience based on the role of the user. Each role carries unique permissions that unlock different functionality across the platform.

Role: Learners
Learners are mandated reporters who need to take training, complete a course, and receive a certificate of completion.

Learner Permissions:

  • Sign Up & Log In
  • Take Online Courses
  • Register for Sessions
  • Access User Profiles
  • View Progress, History, & Certificates

Role: Admins
Admins are often responsible for gathering and viewing data, reports, and metrics to ensure compliance with CAPTA requirements. Admin roles can be divided into several roles to allow tighter control over which users have access to which functions. Admin role variations may include system admin, course manager, analyst, trainer, manager, and more.

Admin Permissions:

  • Access All Learner Permissions
  • View & Generate Reports
  • Add, Remove, and Edit Courses
  • Manage Sessions & Locations
  • Manage User Accounts, Roles, & Groups

Reporting and Analytics

The Mandated Reporter Training LMS has been developed to track and report on curriculum and user metrics. The LMS continually tracks data on content and user interactions and provides metrics to administrative users.

Admins can gather data on both an individual level or on an organization level, as in the case of school district administrators who need to ensure that all school personnel within the district have completed the necessary training.

Track metrics such as:

  • Course completion
  • Exam completion
  • Completion time
  • Certificates issued
  • Users registered
  • Course versions

The Mandated Reporter Training platform generates reports from collected data that can easily be viewed on a dashboard, filtered by parameters, and exported, downloaded, and/or shared.

Instant Certificates

Once a Learner completes all of the courses within a training category and passes a category exam, a certificate of completion is instantly generated. Users can view and download their certificates on their dashboard, eliminating the need to manually process and issue certificates and/or replacement certificates.

The Mandated Reporter Training Platform: Simple, Easy, and Effective

Mandated reporters have the responsibility of spotting signs of child abuse and neglect and are in a unique position to stop child abuse from occurring. In order to perform this necessary role confidently, they need an effective and easy-to-use training system.

The Mandated Reporter Training platform has been developed and designed to make the entire process of child abuse training simple yet effective.

  • Reduces cost
  • Saves time
  • Improves quality
  • Tracks data
  • Up-to-date
  • Customizable

Start training now.

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