Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse & Neglect for Boy Scout Volunteers

California | English only

Mandated Reporter Training for California Boy Scout Volunteers provides an overview of mandated child abuse and neglect reporting as it pertains to volunteers of youth service organizations and other entities that work with children in California. This course will provide an overview of the definitions, requirements, and protections associated with being a mandated reporter. It satisfies the training requirement of CA AB 506.

What You Will Learn

This training consists of nine lessons, concluding with scenarios to test your knowledge of the material. You will learn information, considerations, and scenarios unique to Volunteers as well as:

  • How the law defines child abuse and neglect
  • What the law requires of a mandated reporter
  • What protections the law provides for a mandated reporter
  • How to spot evidence of child abuse
  • How to report child abuse
  • What happens after a report is filed
A screen grab from the MRT Elder Abuse coursware showing the slide for Case Study 1.

How it Works

Mandated Reporter Training consists of specialized training followed by an exam to test your knowledge and earn your certificate.

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This training provides an overview of child abuse and neglect identification and reporting as it pertains to volunteers.

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At the conclusion of the training, you will take a final exam which will test the information that you have learned during the training.

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Upon successful completion of the exam, an interoperable training certificate which validates your completion of training is available. Fees may apply.

Convenient, Instant Certificate of Completion

Upon completion of this training, learners will gain instant access to a personalized certificate of completion. This certificate is easily migrated between jobs and employers and makes it convenient to provide proof that all training requirements have been fulfilled.

A screen shot of the resources available on


Additional resources available in the course are also always accessible on this website under the Resources tab.

Start Your Training

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