Mandated Reporter Training of Child Abuse & Neglect for Registered Nurses

California | English only

This Mandated Reporter Training course for registered nurses in California provides a profession-specific overview of mandated child abuse and neglect reporting as it pertains to registered nurses. This course will provide an overview of the definitions, requirements, and protections associated with being a mandated reporter. It has been approved for 4 hours of CE credits by the CA Board of Registered Nursing.

What You Will Learn

This training consists of seven lessons, each of which will conclude with questions to test your knowledge of the material. You will learn profession-specific information, considerations, and scenarios unique to registered nurses, as well as:

  • A registered nurse’s role as a mandated reporter
  • Your contribution in child abuse prevention
  • Recognizing the signs of physical abuse
  • Recognizing the signs of sexual abuse
  • Differentiating between neglect and other situations
  • Making a report and what follows
A screen grab from the MRT Elder Abuse coursware showing the slide for Case Study 1.

How it Works

Mandated Reporter Training consists of specialized training followed by an exam to test your knowledge and earn your certificate.

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General Training

General Training provides an overview of the definitions, requirements, and protections associated with being a mandated reporter. It is a prerequisite for any profession-specific training.

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The Profession-Specific Training offers additional insight into the duties and responsibilities of a mandated reporter, tailored for your occupation.

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At the conclusion of the training, you will take a final exam which will test the information that you have learned during the training.

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Upon successful completion of the exam, an interoperable training certificate which validates your completion of training is available. Fees may apply.

Continuing Education Credits Available

Registered Nurses mandated reporter training is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing for 4 hours of continuing education credit for Registered Nurses in the state of California.

Simple Learning Systems (License# CEP17835), the parent company of, is a Continuing Education Provider (CEP) licensed with the Department of Consumer Affairs.

A screen shot of the resources available on


Additional resources available in the course are also always accessible on this website under the Resources tab.

Start Your Training

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