Online CE Courses, CA State Board Approved
Required training for nurses now available.
California nurses can earn CE credits with training approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing. Convenient online on-demand training. Instant certificate after completion.

Online CE Courses, CA State Board Approved
Required training for nurses now available.
California nurses can earn CE credits with training approved by the CA Board of Registered Nursing. Convenient online on-demand training. Instant certificate after completion.

Available Courses
Implicit Bias Training Now Required in California
Effective January 1, 2023, Implicit Bias Training is a requirement for graduation from nursing schools and programs. Nurses who were licensed within the previous two-year period are also required by AB1407 to take implicit bias training from a board-approved continuing education provider. Now, you can get implicit bias training and CE-approved mandated reporter training on the Mandated Reporter Training platform.

Licensed CE Courses
Mandated Reporter Training by Simple Learning Systems is a licensed continuing education provider (License# CEP17835). Completing the training is an easy way to understand your duties as a mandated reporter while earning continuing education credits.
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