Do Elder Care Businesses Need Mandated Reporter Training?

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Mandated Reporter Training

A young female physiotherapist assisting an elderly female client with an arm workout. Find out if elder care businesses need Mandated Reporter Training at our blog.

From assisted living homes to in-home care providers, physical therapists, visiting nurses, and even transportation providers, businesses that provide services to the elderly are uniquely positioned to help identify and report suspected instances of elder abuse.

Who Are Mandated Reporters of Elder Abuse?

In California, certain individuals are considered mandatory reports legally required to report elder abuse.

California law says that “any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for the care or custody of an elder or dependent adult” is a mandated reporter, even if that person does not receive compensation.

Included in this definition are:

  • Administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a public or private facility that provides care or services for elder or dependent adults
  • Any elder or dependent adult care custodian
  • Medical professionals
  • Clergy members
  • Employees of county adult protective services agencies
  • Employees and officers of local law enforcement agencies

If your business offers elder care services, your employees are considered mandated reporters.

This means they are required to know the signs and make a report if they suspect an elderly or disabled adult has been the victim of:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional or psychological abuse
  • Financial abuse or financial exploitation
  • Sexual abuse
  • Neglect or self-neglect

What Does CA Legislation Require of Elder Care Businesses?

CA law requires mandated reporters of elder abuse to make a report by telephone and file a written report. In some instances, a confidential report can be made using an approved web-based reporting tool.

The law requires that reports be made to either local law enforcement or a long-term care ombudsman, and possibly a state licensing entity, depending on the type of abuse and where it occurred.

Do Elder Care Businesses Need Mandated Reporter Training?

Mandated Reporter Training can help your employees understand their legal obligations to report abuse and give them the information they need to confidently complete those duties.

Mandated Reporter Training provides mandatory reporters with information including:

  • What types of abuse impact elderly and disabled adults
  • How to recognize the signs of abuse
  • What to do when abuse happens inside a long-term care facility
  • What to do when abuse occurs outside of a long-term care facility
  • How to make a report to the proper agencies
  • Resources for more information

Providing Mandated Reporter Training for the employees in your elder care services business can help ensure you have watchful eyes within your own facility or business organization, which could reduce your exposure and the chances of elder abuse happening. It allows you to provide better protection for the elderly and dependent adults in your care and equips your employees to complete their duties as required by California law. Start training your employees at Mandated Reporter Training.

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