August 9, 2021

How Organizations Can Respond to CA's New Mandated Reporter Law

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Mandated Reporter Training

A woman wearing headphones watching a training on her computer.

On January 1, 2021, new California legislation will go into effect that makes human resources employees and some supervisors mandated reporters of child abuse. AB 1963 applies to companies that have more than 5 employees who employ minors. If one of your employees is a mandated reporter under this bill, your organization is required to provide them with training in their new duty.

Previously, mandated reporters were primarily professionals working closely with young children – teachers, daycare workers, nurses, etc. Now, however, organizations across nearly every industry will need to become familiar with the ins and outs of mandated reporting.

This groundbreaking new law will help protect teens in the workplace in the state of California, but it may cause some headaches for businesses looking to navigate the situation. Because employers are required to provide training under AB 1963, it’s important to find a quick, effective solution.

What Your Organization Needs to Know About Complying With California’s AB 1963

The Law Requires You to Provide Training
Assembly Bill 1963 requires employers of the impacted human resources employees and supervisors to provide training on the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Failing to report suspected child abuse can lead to penalties including fees and up to six months jail time.

Organizations will need to find training solutions for their staff that are effective without interrupting the organization’s day-to-day operations.

Implementing a Solution Quickly is Crucial
HR employees and certain supervisors become mandated reporters on January 1, 2021. Because of this, organizations have a small window of time in which to respond to AB 1963 and implement the appropriate training.

How to Train Employees with Mandated Reporter Training

The Learning Management System (LMS) included in the Mandated Reporter Training platform that specializes easy-to-use mandated reporter training solutions.

Mandated Reporter Training offers two courses for the two new types of reporters.

  • For supervisors, there’s a shortened version of the training informing them of their duties.
  • For HR employees, a slightly more in-depth training on reporting abuse and neglect is offered.

Variants are available for food service and retail businesses.

Many learning management systems require multiple steps to implement before companies are able to make use of a functional platform – including the construction of a front end website, purchasing separate courseware and software, etc.

Mandated Reporter Training can work with you to provide either:

  • a full, turnkey solution (LMS, courseware, reporting), or
  • stand-alone courseware to pair with your existing LMS

Save Time by Tracking Team Member Follow-up
The consequences of failure to report are steep. In fact, failure to report is a misdemeanor in the state of California. Ensuring that your team has completed the training and understands their responsibilities as reporters is crucial.

Mandated Reporter Training is SCORM-compliant, allowing you to get a clear idea of how your team members are engaging with the course, and if they’ve completed the training and received their certification.

This reporting functionality helps save manager’s time as they follow up with supervisors and HR employees required to take the training.

If you’re one of the many California businesses impacted by AB 1963, make sure your organization is in compliance in 2021. Explore the Mandated Reporter Training platform.

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A woman taking notes at her computer while drinking a cup of coffee.

January 12, 2021

What California Businesses Need to Know About AB 1963

As of January 1, 2021 employers throughout the state of California may be required to provide mandated reporter training to certain employees. This is due to Assembly Bill (AB) 1963, which adds HR employees and supervisors at businesses with more than 5 employees that also employ teens to the state’s list of mandated reporters.
A manager in a cafe working on his tablet while teen employees work in the background. Learn more about California’s mandated reporter training requirements.

December 15, 2020

How Changes to California Mandated Reporter Law Impact Employers

As of January 1, 2021, an update to California’s mandated reporting law will impact human resources employees and supervisors at organizations who hire teens throughout the state. Discover what this and other recent legislative changes mean for businesses in the state.