August 12, 2024

How to Verify That Your Employees Took Their Training

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Mandated Reporter Training

A woman verifies her team member’s Mandated Reporter Training certificate by scanning the QR code with her phone.

You rely on your company’s employee training program to meet compliance requirements and ensure your team has the information they need to keep your business running smoothly. If your team blew off the training course or re-submitted last year’s certificate, it could have real consequences for your business.

That’s why Mandated Reporter Training has implemented instant, secure certificates. This system allows you to quickly verify that your team has completed their training. Thousands of people verify their employee’s certificates with us every week.

Learn more about this crucial feature.

How to Use A Certificate to Verify That Your Team Completed Their Training

Training certificates are a way of authenticating that a user has completed their required training courses.

What Does A Training Certificate Do?

Each time one of your team members completes a course with Mandated Reporter Training, they will receive a certificate that displays:

  • Their name
  • The name of the course they completed
  • The approximate time it took to complete their training
  • The date of completion
  • A QR code allowing you to securely verify the certificate

This certificate is designed to give you the peace of mind in knowing that your team has taken the training you need to keep your training and onboarding process running smoothly. You can verify this by scanning the QR code on the certificate. There, you will find a page confirming:

  • The name of the person who completed the training
  • Which course your employee completed
  • The date it was completed

Want to test out the certificate verification process for yourself? Simply scan the QR code below.

A sample certificate from Mandated Reporter Training issued to “Sam the Supporter.

View Your Team’s Certificates Instantly

Accessing your employee’s training certificates instantly can save your management team time and headaches. When onboarding a new employee, it lets you track when employees have completed their new hire training. It helps your compliance team monitor who has taken required training, such as Sexual Harassment Prevention. It can help ensure that your team members who are required to take Mandated Reporter Training annually are maintaining their certificates appropriately.

Mandated Reporter Training gives you easy access to all of your employee’s certificates from the dashboard of your organization account. Simply select “Reports” and then “Learners.” Next to your team member’s name, you will see a link to download their certificate. Once downloaded, you will be able to verify the certificate using the QR code.

Why Should You Verify Your Team’s Certificates?

Mandated Reporter Training utilizes a verification system tied to unique identifying information that is individual to each user on our platform.

Scanning the QR code will allow you to ensure that the information on the certificate is accurate. While this verification process can help you double-check certificates downloaded from our platform, it is especially beneficial for a certificate received from a team member via email or printed PDF.

Scanning the QR code to verify your team’s certificates allows you to confirm:

  • That the name on the certificate matches your employee’s name
  • That the date the training was taken is current, ensuring that old certificates cannot be reused
  • That the certificate is for the appropriate course

By creating certificates that are verifiable, we help organizations eliminate instances of non-compliance or fraud. Users cannot copy a coworker’s certificate and pass it off as their own — each certificate is tied to an individual learner and their courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I view my team’s certificates?

You can access reports on the training you have assigned to your team and view your employees' certificates of completion easily from your organization dashboard with

Once logged into your account, you can view your team’s certs with the following steps:

  1. Under “reports,” select “learners”
  2. If they have completed training, you will see the option to download a certificate next to each employee’s name.

What if my employee needs to take two courses? Will they receive two certificates?

Your team members will receive a new certificate for each course they take. These can all be viewed from your reports in the Mandated Reporter Training platform.

This lets you easily track when they complete each individual course. It’s particularly helpful if your team takes multiple courses, such as Sexual Harassment Prevention and Mandated Reporter Training. It can also help you track training compliance across multiple years in the instance that your team must retake their courses.

How do I use the secure verification feature?

Verifying your team’s certificates is simple. When viewing the certificate, use your phone to scan the QR code on the document. When scanned, the QR code will open a link taking you to a page on the Mandated Reporter Training website where you will be able to verify the course information.

When your team members complete their training, the certificate they earn is designed to offer peace of mind. The ease of access and convenient QR code verification ensure you will never have to wonder if your team has completed the training your organization relies on.

Ready to implement a simple training program you can track with convenient certificates? Sign up for an organization account.

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